I am pleased to welcome you to our website.
Already as a child, I felt very attracted by medicine. The thought of helping ill people moved me to study medicine. Later at medical school, the field of Ophthalmology amazed me, and motivated me for training in order to become an ophthalmologist and eye surgeon.
Today, with God’s help, many educational and professional years later, my team and I stand as a modern practice for clinical and surgical ophthalmology.
Our profession – and our vocation- are the prevention and treatment of eye diseases.
Our goals are professional competence, excellence in the practice of eye medicine and a special relation to our patients.
Professionally, we aim to the highest level of competence. In order to always stay up to date, our team regularly attends training courses and conferences of national and international societies.
We are also enthusiastic about transmitting acquired knowledge and experience to younger generations of colleagues. That’s why I like to participate as a lecturer in conferences and training courses.
As a specialist’s practice, we strive for excellence in our services. Therefore, we regularly upgrade our facilities and equipment as well as we revise our organization, and cooperate with the leading surgical centres, where quality is of paramount importance.

On a more personal level, we are well aware of how health disorders, sometimes just a check at the doctor’s, are a special situation for many people, sometimes correlated with stress or worry. This is why we offer not only a friendly service, but want our patients the feeling of being somehow “at home”.
Here in our website you will find information about us and our professional field. I hope you like it.
Thank you for your trust.
Alfredo Ferrer-Ruiz
Ophthalmologist, Eye Surgeon, Laser Surgeon.
Colegiado 03-0308662